Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fresh and new

Yes, you're right,  my blog's background is suddenly white. Even the language has changed. Well, I have had a long discussion about using English or Dutch. Other forummembers believed it is ridicoulous to write in Dutch because only 22 million people speek dutch and over 350 miljoen speak English.
When I saw that my friend an collegue Willemijn de Wit also wrote in English in her blog, I thought, what the heck... I'll try it too fearing making a mistake or two not being a native english speaker.

The color white, that's because of the changes I've made in my website. I've worked so hard the past three months, it was of no use to update it. The best sollution was to make a whole new structure. So, this week I didn't leave the couch and had a 24/7 ticket to skype with my dad, while he updated all my data.

So, here it fresh and new website...check it out for yourself, hope you''ll like it!
And thanks dad! You're my hero...

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